Bridge to Learning - Elementary


Educational Options
209-556-1500 Ext. 1265

Reid Volk

Christy Shaw
Secretary, Ext 1252

Karina Hernandez
Secretary, Ext 1278

Nancy Im
Secretary, Ext 1260

Angelita Cerrillo
Recreational Supervisor, Ext 1288

“Bridge to Learning” 

Elementary After School Program

This Bridge to Learning experience provides students with a more targeted approach to intervention. It will be a site based program where the site has the flexibility to accommodate the needs of their students. When provided with this opportunity, students will come back inspired, supported, and immersed in a school that is striving to create equity for all!

Bridge to learning

How does the Bridge to Learning Program work at the elementary schools?

This program will be targeted toward students who will be recommended by the site.  It is an academic program designed to give support to struggling students to bring them closer to grade level, however there will be some enrichment opportunities available at some sites as well.  Approximately 65 days per year are provided, with exceptions on minimum days and holidays. However, students might exit the program much earlier depending on academic data or what skill is being taught.


Students attend this program after school on various days throughout the week. Parents will receive information if their child has been selected. Contact the school for further information regarding specific dates and times. The ASES after school program will be available until 6 o’clock daily for any students wishing to participate after Bridge to Learning.


Students may work on specific skills in Language Arts, Math, Writing, Guided Reading, or other academic areas that the site determines. Lessons utilized parallel the regular school day curriculum. 

Enrichment Opportunities

Some sites will offer enrichment activities provided to students not mandated to attend the academic portion of the after school program. These activities reinforce academic skills through fun and interesting activities and games specifically designed by the site.

How will this program benefit my child?

Students who participate in the Bridge to Learning program will be provided with more opportunities to deepen or extend their learning. Sites will be assessing the data on a regular basis to determine the success of the program. 

Why was my child recommended for the Bridge to Learning Program?

Students are enrolled based on academic performance, reflected by report card grades and testing scores in reading, writing, math, and other subject areas. Your child's teachers analyzed these scores, considered classroom performance, and determined that your child would benefit from these programs.  If your child receives a BTL invitation, please fill out the ASES registration form to complete the process.

Can I unenroll my child?

If you have any concerns or don't believe your child should be enrolled in the program, please contact your child’s school.

If you have any questions and or concerns, please contact the Educational Options Office at 209-556-1500 Ext. 1265.