Child Welfare & Attendance

Alfonso Navarro,
209 556-1540
Marrisa Carvalho,
Administrative Assistant
209 556-1500 ext 1242
Natalia Leon,
Admin Secretary II
209 556-1500 ext 1239
Karla Morales,
Secretary III
Student Records/K-6 Enrollments
209 556-1500 ext 1240
Cynthia Pacheco,
Secretary III
Intra-Inter District Transfers/
K-6 Enrollment
209 556-1500 ext 1241
Veronica Ayala,
Secretary II
Volunteers/ Work Permits
209 556-1500 ext 1244
Child Welfare & Attendance
Main Telephone Number
209 556-1540
California Health Kids Survey Results |
Child Welfare and Attendance is dedicated to supporting students and families in our community, by improving school climate and increasing school attendance. Our goal in CWA is to support students, families and staff so all students have the ability to succeed. Some of the main focuses of our department are school safety, student enrollments, transfers, attendance, and SARB.
Resources and Information
School Enrollment Process
CUSD School Attendance Boundary Maps
High School
Junior High School
Elementary School
Information about Inter and Intra District Transfers
24-25 Intra District Request Form ( within Ceres)
24-25 Petición Para Un Auerdo Intra Distrital (dentro del distrito)
24-25 Inter-District Agreement (outside Ceres)
24-25 Petición Para Un Acuerdo Inter Distrital (fuera del distrito)
25-26 Intra District Request Form ( within Ceres)
25-26 Petición Para Un Auerdo Intra Distrital (dentro del distrito)
25-26 Inter-District Agreement (outside Ceres)
25-26 Petición Para Un Acuerdo Inter Distrital (fuera del distrito)
Instructional Continuity Plan (SB 153)
Your Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code
School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
Ceres Unified School District welcomes constructive comments that help improve the quality of our educational programs and assist our staff to perform their tasks more efficiently. We encourage families to work with their school sites to resolve any concerns you may have regarding our areas of responsibility. If you are unable to resolve your concerns with the site, please feel free to contact us here are Child Welfare and Attendance. Some complaints fall within the jurisdiction of the school district and others fall within the jurisdiction of the California Department of Education. We work diligently to ensure our students and families have a positive and successful education experience.
For general information on complaints, please click here to view the California Department of Education Uniform Complaint Procedures.
Complaints About School Personnel
Governing Boards are legally required to safeguard employees from individuals who may upbraid, insult or abuse them (illegal acts). In addition, personnel matters, especially anything evaluative in nature, must be done in a closed board meeting.
The procedure for filing a complaint is as follows:
A complaint concerning a school employee should first be made directly to the person the complaint concerns.
If unresolved, then the complaint should be directed to the Principal in writing, for review and analysis.
If unresolved, the complaint shall be referred to the Superintendent.
The Superintendent's decision shall be final, unless one of the parties involved requests a closed session before
the Board of Trustees on the complaint. When a complaint is made directly to the Board as a whole or to an individual Board member, it shall be referred to the administration for study and possible solution
Complaints About Instructional Programs
If you wish to lodge a complaint about an instructional program, please present your criticism in writing to the Superintendent.
Written complaints about programs should be very specific in nature, addressing:
The program involved
Specific complaints
Identification of complainant by name, address, any pertinent affiliation, and a statement of the basis for criticizing the particular item
If the complaint involves any Consolidated Categorical Programs (Title I, Title II, etc.), the complainant may contact and discuss the issue with the School's Administrator. If the issue is still unresolved, the complainant may use the Uniform Complaint Procedure.
Equal Access
Williams v. State of California is a landmark 2004 Superior Court case to provide all students equal access to instructional materials, safe schools, and quality teachers.
For more information
Williams Uniform Complaint Form
Ceres USD Board Policy and Administrative Regulations
Additional Student Welfare Resources
Community Resources Brochure - English
Community Resources Brochure - Spanish
CUSD Harassment and Bullying Complaint Process/Grievance Procedure
Harassment and Bullying Notice Harassment and Bullying Form
Dreamer Resource Guide
AG School Guidance on Undocumented Students
Site Admin Guidance Immigration
Reporting Child Abuse
* Civil Rights
* Alternative Education Committee