Main Office
(209) 556-1545
4295 Central Ave.
Ceres, CA 95307
Mary Lisa Gonzales
Assistant Director
Christine Cardoso
Office Manager
Cecilia Padilla
Marisol Pantoja
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The Preschool office is open to the public weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm.
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year begins on
April 22, 2024
In person applications are also accepted by appointment.
Steps to apply in person:
Please complete a registration application prior to your appointment. You can pick one up at our office located at:
4295 Central Ave. Ceres, CA. 95307 Bld. C-3 or You can print the application below
Print English Application-Imprima la solicitud en Español
Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

State Preschool Enrollment Priorities 2023-2024
First priority: Three-year-old or four-year-old children who are recipients of child protective services or who are at risk of being neglected, abused, or exploited and for whom there is a written referral from a legal, medical, or local social service agency.
Second priority: Three- and four-year-old children with exceptional needs from families with incomes below the income eligibility threshold. This priority is for children with exceptional needs that are enrolling in CSPP after the percent of funded enrollment set aside pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Education Code (EC) Section 8208, is filled.
Third priority: The third priority for three- or four-year-old children who are not enrolled in a state-funded Transitional Kindergarten program. This priority does not include children eligible based on having exceptional needs if they are from families with incomes above the income eligibility threshold. Children shall be enrolled in the following order:
a. Eligible children with the lowest income according to the income ranking on the most recent schedule of income ceiling eligibility table shall be enrolled first.
b. If two or more families have the same income ranking according to the most recent schedule of income ceiling eligibility table, the child that is identified as a dual language learner shall be enrolled first. If there are no children who are identified as dual language learners, the child that has been on the waiting list for the longest time shall be admitted first.
NOTE: Contractors must use the processes in Management Bulletin (MB) 23-03 to determine if a child is a dual language learner prior to prioritization.
Fourth priority: The fourth priority shall be given children from families whose income is no more than 15 percent above the income eligibility threshold. Within this priority category, priority shall be given to three- and four-year-old children with exceptional needs interested in enrolling beyond those already enrolled in the percent of funded enrollment set aside pursuant to EC Section 8208, then to four-year-old children before three-year-old children without exceptional needs.
After all otherwise eligible children have been enrolled in the first through fourth priority categories, the contractor may enroll children in the following order:
Fifth priority: A CSPP site operating within the attendance boundaries of a qualified free and reduced-price meals school, in accordance with EC Section 8217, may enroll any three- and four-year-old children whose families reside within the attendance boundary of the qualified elementary school. These children shall, to the extent possible, be enrolled by lowest to highest income.
Non-Prioritized Families in Part-day CSPP
After all applicable families have been prioritized in the priorities listed above, contractors must enroll the following families in the order listed below:
Children with disabilities from families with income above 15 percent of the income threshold who were not enrolled pursuant to the children with disabilities set aside, pursuant to EC Section 8208
Income Ceiling Eligibility Table

Before coming in please:
Complete and review your application and
come prepared with the documentation listed below.

Ceres Preschool Times & Locations
Morning: 8:00am to 11:15am
Afternoon: 12:00pm to 3:15pm
Carroll Fowler Elementary - 2611 Garrison St, Ceres, CA 95307
Don Pedro Elementary - 2300 Don Pedro Rd, Ceres, CA 95307
La Rosa Elementary - 2800 Eastgate Blvd, Ceres, CA 95307
Lucas Elementary - 3500 Rose Ave, Ceres, CA 95307
Virginia Parks Elementary - 1021 Moffett Rd, Modesto, CA 95351
Walter White Elementary - 2904 6th St, Ceres, CA 95307
*Westport Elementary - 5218 S Carpenter Rd, Modesto, CA 95358
*Westport morning class is from 8:15am to 11:30am & evening class is from 1pm-4:15pm
Our office is located at: 4295 Central Ave. Ceres, CA, 95307
Office Hours: Monday - Friday | 8:00 AM to 4 PM
View the Handbook /Ver el manual
There are no transportation services for the Preschool Program.